Cancer Love and Tarot Horoscope – Sunday, May 24, 2020

Daily tarot reading

You will make a series of unfortunate choices and impulsive decisions that will disrupt your daily routine. Your penchant for risk-taking and adventure will give rise to obstacles that will hinder your personal growth. Your mood swings and emotional ups-and-downs will upset those around you. You will be wholly dominated by the desire for a radical break with the past and will often find yourself wishing you could change everything in your life in one single move. You will encounter difficulties and problems that will disappoint and dishearten you. If you manage to rein in your impulsiveness, new roads will soon open up before you.

Love Tarot Card

The love tarot deck’s card for today is the Hermit. Drawing this card suggests a need for introspection. Periods of honest personal reflection by both partners help sustain a healthy relationship. You and your lover may benefit from more time apart. This card can remind you and your lover to praise each other’s good qualities rather than criticizing flaws. You want your relationship to become more spiritual. If you are single, this card signals a time to examine your romantic desires. Instead of continuing to search for a partner, re-evaluate what you want in a relationship. The Hermit can represent someone who feels self-sufficient, uninterested in romance. The Hermit’s appearance can sometimes portend an encounter with a past love. These kind of meetings rarely resurrect an old love. Instead, the encounter offers insight into why the relationship failed.

Daily career tarot

You want to make certain changes in your professional and financial life, but you haven’t thought things through. Most of your plans are unfeasible because they are not based on reason. You have a tendency to overspend, to make poor career choices and to indulge in grandiose unattainable fantasies. The immature and mindless way in which you are handling your financial affairs is impeding your progress. The Lovers card reversed would advise you to put your business and financial affairs in order and to make sure you have carefully considered the pros and cons of every available course of action before making any decisions. Let reason hold the reins!

Cancer Love Horoscope

Your love life is somewhat confusing right now. You are not clear about your own feelings and it is almost impossible for you to work out the motives of the various people around you.

More than one person will approach you now with romantic propositions and you may find yourself at a loss about how best to respond. The tough break is that you are genuinely not sure whether you reciprocate these romantic feelings or not.

In your confused state it is very easy to commit a mistake which may cost you dearly in the future. Hence, it is best if you do not take any decision right now. You will need to analyze your feelings, but will find it difficult to concentrate.

More than one person is interested in you right now, but not all romantic interest has true love at the center. Someone who approaches you today with a romantic proposition may actually have an axe to grind.

But it is not possible for you to identify this person. If you are already in a committed relationship, this will not deter a third party from putting this romantic proposition to you and you will be seriously thinking it over.

The fact remains that this is not a good time to take any major decisions in matters of the heart. Just bide your time and let other people make their moves now. You need to put your decision making on hold and gather all the facts first.

Lucky color: olive green, golden, coral
Lucky number: 35, 98, 12